Display: shows the planets, on/off
Name: labels the planet
Invisible: Select whether you want to see all the planets, or just
those which can be seen with the naked eye.
Display: shows the constellations, on/off
Name: labels the constellations
Lat. Names: labels the constellations with their official Latin names
Lines: displays the constellation lines
Images: displays the mythological figures of a constellation as soon
as you point at it.
Display: Shows deep-sky objects, on/off. (These include open
clusters, globular clusters, nebulae, galaxies, etc.)
Name: labels the deep-sky objects with their real names
Info: You will receive information as soon as you point at an object
(name or catalogue designation, type of object, size as compared to
the Sun, distance in light-years, visibility).
NGC Cat. compl.: Displays the full NGC catalogue (New General
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