Further information
You will find general information on your AMILO Notebook in the
"AMILO Notebook" operating manual.
You will find the Windows Vista drivers for your AMILO Notebook on our
Internet website. When in the factory this device did not support any other
operating system. Fujitsu Technology Solutions does not accept any liability
whatsoever if any other operating system is used.
Software oriented components of these instructions refer to Microsoft products, if
they come within the scope of the delivery of your AMILO Notebook.
If you install other software products, pay attention to the operating
instructions of the producer.
"AMILO Notebook" Operating Manual
The operating instructions for the "AMILO Notebook" will be found in the Windows Start
menu or on the Internet under "http://ts.fujitsu.com/support".
10601087294, edition 1
Innovative technology
English - 3