6.2.2 Programming routine Timer
Operating mode Add:
Adding mode
Permanent signal at count value
≥ preset value or timed signal at
count value = preset value
Reset to zero
Operating mode Sub:
Subtracting mode
Permanent signal at count value
≤ zero or timed signal at count
value = zero. Reset to preset
Operating mode AddAr:
Adding mode
Timed signal at count value =
preset value. Automatic reset to
Operating mode SubAr:
Subtracting mode
Timed signal at count value = zero
Automatic reset to preset value
Polarity of the inputs:
pospol: positive polarity (PNP),
soucing from + 24V
negpol: negative polarity (NPN),
sinking to 0V
Unit of time:
Timing in s; 0.1 s; 0.01 s or 0.001 s*
Timing in min; 0.1 min; 0.01 min*
or 0.001 min*
Timing in h; 0.1 h; 0.01 h or 0.001 h*
* depending on position of the
Timing in h: min: s
Decimal point (resolution):
0.00 = two decimal places
0.000 = three decimal places
decimal point
= no decimal point
= one decimal place
Permanent signal of the output,
activated at count value ≥ preset
value in adding mode and at
count value ≤ zero in subtracting
mode *
Permanent signal of the output
will become passive at count
value ≥ preset value in adding
mode and at count value ≤ zero
in subtracting mode**
Timed signal of the output, will
become passive at count value
= preset value in adding mode
and at count value = zero in
subtracting mode**
Timed signal of the output,
activated at count value = preset
value in adding mode and at
count value = zero in subtracting
Duration of timed signal of the
output, can be set from 00.01s
to 99.99 s.
* Activation of relay coil or
optocoupler when reaching the
preset value
** Relay coil becomes dead or
optocoupler will be locked when
reaching the preset value.