Charging using a 12 V ba ery
To charge the HR3 Reader internal ba ery using a 12 V ba ery, use the following steps:
1. Plug the Data and power cable into the cable connector on the Reader.
2. Plug the 12 V ba ery cable to the Data and power cable DB9 connector using the 2.5
mm Coaxial plug.
3. Connect the 12 V ba ery cable to the 12 V ba ery.
Connect the Red lead to the posi ve terminal.
Connect the Black lead to the nega ve terminal.
4. Make sure the ba ery icon is showing that charging is occurring. See Ba ery icon status
– Charging (p 16).
While charging using the 12 V ba ery cable, the reading of Electronic ID tags can
con nue.
When the trigger is Pulled and the HR3 Reader is scanning for Electronic ID tags,
charging is temporarily stopped un l a tag is read or un l the read period ends.
Typical charge me, off a fully charged 12 V ba ery, is eight hours.
If powered from a ba ery in a vehicle, the engine must not be running.
Before connec ng the charger, disconnect any cables to your PC.
Cable connector
Data and
power cable
12 V ba ery cable
2.5 mm
Coaxial jack
DB9 connector
12 V ba ery