1.- Manually, turn on a component (e.g. TV, VCR, etc).
2.- Press and hold the button of the desired component to program and
On / Off button, at the same time, until the red indicator light turns on.
3.- Release the buttons, the red indicator light should keep on.
4.- Aim the remote control at the component and press Up button, the
red indicator light will blinks 10 times.
5.- The equipment should turn off after a couple of try. If this happen,
press Left button 10 times, with 1 second between each pressing, until
the component turns on.
6.- Once the component turns on, press Select to finalize the process
and store the programming code in memory. Red indicator light turns
Back and repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 if the equipment doesn't turns off
at step 5.
Be patient. If your device don't turn off after few tries pressing On /
Este Kit es ideal para estudiantes o aficionados a la meca-
Off button, repeat the instructions.
trónica ya que permite desarrollar la creatividad en la pro-
Do not press other buttons as we mentioned in this instruction
gramación de este prototipo de sistema mecatrónico. El Kit
Do not exceed more than 30 seconds between each step.
incluye todos los componentes necesarios para su armado.
Otherwise the remote control exit from the Search mode and you
must to repeat all process.
If you want to erase a specific code, you can use the quick program
method or the automatic search method; when you enter the new code,
automatically will erase the old code.