28 .- Indicates the video / audio file's format during playback.
29 .- Slow forward (Slow Forward): playback forward slowly underway.
30 .- Play / Pause: Plays or pauses video / audio.
31 .- Fast Backward: fast forwards the current playback.
32 .- Fast Forward: back quickly during playback.
33 .- Silence (Mute): Mutes Movieplayer's audio (Windows audio too)
34 .- Indicates the video playback time (hours, minutes, seconds)
35 .- Volume Control
36 .- Displays and hides the playlist window.
37 .- Snap: Allows you to take snapshots of the video displayed on
38 .- Hide playlist: Hides the Movieplayer's playlist.
39 .- Stop: Stops video / audio playback.
40 .- Sort: Sort playlist by duration, size, type, path, name, date, random or
41 .- To select or deselect items in the playlist.
42 .- Lets you remove items from the playlist.
43 .- Allows you to add files or folders to the playlist.
44 .- Playlist.
45 .- Indicates Movieplayer's action status (Play / Pause, Forward, Back).
46 .- Play position: Playback time line indicator.