Position the gage relatively close to zero, then use the fine adjustment
screw to precisely position to zero. After final adjustment, replace the
safety cap.
Making a Measurement
To measure, first retract the spindle, then lower it gently to the work-
piece. The measured value or the deviation from the nominal value
(preset zero value) can be read directly on the dial.
An optional spindle lift cable (PT15053) is available. To attach, remove
the screw on the left of the case, then attach the cable release.
Changing Contact Points
The 647 contact point has a #4-48 NF thread. The 647M contact point
of model has a M2.5 thread. Be sure that your replacement contact
point has the same thread as the one being replaced.
To remove the contact point, press the spindle all of the way to the
upper stop and unscrew the contact point in a counter-clockwise
To install a contact point, press the spindle all of the way to the upper
stop. Then turn the contact point fully clockwise until it is firmly seated
to ensure accuracy.
Inspect regularly to ensure proper operation and calibrate as needed
based on your frequency of use and accuracy requirements.
Declaration of Conformity & Confirmation of Traceability
We certify that this product meets or exceeds the manufacturing
requirements and that the measuring equipment used to check this
product is traceable to national and/or international standards.