Section 3
NEVER run portable generators indoors or in garages, basements, or sheds. Portable generators should always be
used at least 5 feet away from windows, doors, vents, or any other opening. Carbon Monoxide (CO) from a genera-
tor is deadly and can kill you in minutes. Read and follow all generator directions before use.
3.1 — When a power failure occurs:
1. Move generator outdoors. Never operate a generator indoors or in an enclosed area.
2. Open the front and bottom covers on the transfer switch.
3. Plug generator cord into generator and the power inlet on the bottom of the transfer switch. Start generator.
4. Turn UTIL breaker OFF (down) and slide interlock mechanism over UTIL breaker.
5. Turn GEN breaker ON (up) and generator power should start to power the load(s).
3.2 — When utility power is restored:
1. Turn OFF (down) the GEN breaker on transfer switch and slide the interlock mechanism over GEN breaker.
2. Turn ON (up) the UTIL breaker.
3. Turn off generator and disconnect generator cord. Cool down generator, store generator and cord in dry
4. Close cover(s) on transfer switch and secure/lock as needed.
Transfer Switch Installation Guidelines