(i) Ful f illing The eapac:it y ol lhe lueJ Lank is 12L in total includin1.1L of rel'.erve.l .e11dle!>gasoline of 1\o. 93 or 11bove or l ow_ lead ga"oliue
is gcquircd for the motorcycle.To fuel the vehicle.support it hv the mai n slmul,open l.hloc:k C'!IV of Lhe luel Lank a nd fjlJ l ut>J through the
opcJun.and then close the tank hv th C \OW\r with tl1e two on them in good alignment.
C2) Operat ion of the fuel eoek
(the val ve of fuel tank)
ON: :\Vilh 1he handle or 1he f uel cock to "ON'' position,lhe fuel circuit is through for fuel ;;npply.
OFF: Wil.h the handle olthe fuel eoek to "OFF" position,the fuel circuit is cut off without
HES: \Vith the handle of the fuel c:o<'k l.o RES posil ion,l he fuel is supr>lied from the reserve.
(1\otc:The reserved fuel can only he used when tlte nonnal sup ply i>run ouL)ln this cusP.reiwl: ing should be carried out as soon as possi ble,for