Gaming Headset
Gaming Headset
ROG Strix Fusion 700
ROG Strix Fusion 700
Getting Started
Nastavenie ROG Strix Fusion:
To set up your ROG Strix Fusion:
USB konektor zapojte do Vašeho PC a opačný koniec (Micro USB) do Vašej náhlavnej súpravy.
1. Connect the USB end of the micro-USB to USB cable to your computer's USB port and the
Softvér AURA si prevezmite z lokality http://www.asus.čom a potom ho nainštalujte do
micro-USB end to your headset.
2. Download Aura software from then install it on your computer.
System requirements
Párovanie zariadenia rog strix fusion:
1. Turn on the Bluetooth of your mobile phone.
1. Zapnite funkciu Bluetooth vo vašom Bluetooth zariadení.
2. Press Bluetooth bottom for X seconds to turn on Bluetooth connection.
3. If you'd like to re-pair the headset, press Bluetooth bottom for X seconds to re-pair.
2. Ak chcete svoje zariadenie spárovať so zariadením Bluetooth a vytvoriť pripojenie, stlačte tlačidlo
Bluetooth, podržte ho stlačené na 4 sekundy a vyberte možnosť ROG Strix HS BT.
Device Features
3. Ak by ste chcel zariadenie Bluetooth odpojiť, vypnite ho stlačením tohto tlačidla a jeho po-
Gaming Headset
Gaming Headset
držaním na 2 sekundy.
ROG Strix Fusion 700
ROG Strix Fusion 700
Ak chcete nastaviť zosynchronizovanie Aura s aplikáciou Aura Headset:
1. Ťuknutím a podržaním dotykovej platne slúchadla na 5 sekúnd zapnite režim párovania.
Getting Started
2. Zapnite aplikáciu a Bluetooth a potom vyberte ďalšiu náhlavnú súpravu Fusion, ktorú chcete
To set up your ROG Strix Fusion:
3. V aplikácii zvoľte požadovaný farebný alebo svetelný efekt a potom na pokračovanie ťuknite na
1. Connect the USB end of the micro-USB to USB cable to your computer's USB port and the
možnosť „Použiť".
micro-USB end to your headset.
2. Download Aura software from then install it on your computer.
System requirements
1. Turn on the Bluetooth of your mobile phone.
2. Press Bluetooth bottom for X seconds to turn on Bluetooth connection.
3. If you'd like to re-pair the headset, press Bluetooth bottom for X seconds to re-pair.
Funkcie zariadenia
Touch Plate Control
Device Features
Headsets Aura
Sync on/off
Next and Previous
songs select
Volume Control
Touch Plate Control
Headsets Aura
A. Changeable ear-cushion
B. Virtual surround on/off
C. Bluetooth on/off
D. Micro USB 2.0 connector
E. Aura Lighting area
F. Touch plate
G. Unchangeable 900 mA Battery
Battery life: XX hrs(RGB lights on)/
Charge time: 3 hrs(0~100%)
Low-battery response: Aura Lighting
area will turn to red breathing effect.
Click to play/plause
A. Vymeniteľný náušník
Press for 3 seconds to turn Aura
B. Virtuálny priestorový zvuk, Zap/Vyp
A. Changeable ear-cushion
Sync on/off or 5 seconds to enter
B. Virtual surround on/off
C. Zapnutie/vypnutie rozhrania Bluetooth
the pairing mode.
C. Bluetooth on/off
While pairing, the Aura LEDs
D. Dotyková doska (ľavé ušné polstrovanie)
D. Touch plate
flash blue.
E. Konektor Micro USB 2.0
When paired, the Aura LEDs light
E. Micro USB 2.0 connector
up solid blue for 5 seconds.
F. Aura Lighting area
F. Oblasť osvetlenia svetelným zdrojom Aura
G. Unchangeable 900 mA Battery
• Scroll forward to play the next
G. Nenabíjateľná 900 mA batéria
Battery life: XX hrs(RGB lights on)/
• Scroll backward to play the
previous song
Charge time: 3 hrs(0~100%)
Low-battery response: Aura Lighting
• Scroll up to increase the Volume
area will turn to red breathing effect.
• Scroll down to reduce the volume
Click to play/plause
Press for 3 seconds to turn Aura
Sync on/off or 5 seconds to enter
the pairing mode.
XX hrs(RGB lights off)
Výdrž batérie: 8 h (RGB svieti)/
XX hrs(RGB lights off)
17 h (RGB nesvieti)
Čas nabíjania: 3 h (0 až 100 %)
Reagovanie na slabo nabitú batériu:
oblasť Aura Lighting bude svietiť na
červeno s efektom pomalého zahasnutia
a rozsvietenia.
Aura Headset