3. Installation & Setting of the locking catches
a. Bring all the locking catches like in the following drawing.
b. Make sure that the distance from the post to the lifting carriage (A1) and the distance between
the post and the locked safety notch (A2) are the same, if necessary can be adjusted the nut
of the electromagnet.
c. Install the covers of the ectromagnets.
By installing of the covers for the electromagnets make sure that under the hexagonal
head srews there are installed the waschers (6,4mm).
It the washers are forgotten the screws will impede the corects lifting and lowering
operation and will protrude trought the columns.
Aftre the installing, check the inner side of the columns for a smooth sliding surface.
(see pictures)
Insatalled washers
® Copyright ATH-Heinl GmbH & Co. KG, All rights reserved / Misprints and technical changes reserved / As of: 2021-04
Manufacturer ATH-Heinl GmbH & CO.KG
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Sliding surface