Fits All Stingers (Stinger
, Stinger HP
Stinger XT HP
, PolyStinger
, UltraStinger
• 4 times faster than standard charger
• Charges in just 2.5 hours
• LED blinks when light is fully charged.
• State-of-the-art, digital switching power supply
converts power source's voltage to the flashlight for
safe, efficient energy transfer.
• Negative, delta voltage charge termination function
prevents overcharging and extends battery life.
• Back-up safety timer provides additional overcharge
• Automatic, full charge maintenance switch minimizes
drain on vehicle batteries in mobile instruments (DC
• Battery diagnostic circuitry indicates bad battery.
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. This manual contains
, Stinger XT
important safety information.
The Fast Charger will charge a fully depleted Stinger
good condition within 2.5 hours. When the Stinger is placed into the
Fast Charger, the red LED will light continuously, indicating the fast
charge rate is being applied. Special circuitry senses when the
battery has received a full charge, switches to a lower
"maintenance" charge rate and causes the LED to blink, indicating
the maintenance rate is being applied and that the Stinger has
received a full charge. A secondary safety circuit will discontinue the
fast rate shortly after approximately 2.5 hours if for any reason the
primary circuit fails to terminate the fast charge.
1. WARNING! In mobile installations do not connect the fast
charger to a switched power source. The Fast Charger must be
connected directly to the vehicle battery or to the unswitched
side of the ignition through a 2 amp, fuse. Use a lighter plug only
if the vehicle lighter socket is not switched off by the ignition
switch and only if the plug fits the lighter securely. There is a
risk of battery damage or explosion if the fast charger power
supply is repeatedly switched "off" and "on." When the charger
is delivering maintenance rate, the drain on a vehicle battery
is minimized.
2. Do not charge battery when temperature is below 32ºF (0ºC) or
above 105ºF (40ºC). Your battery pack life is affected by charging
in temperature extremes.
3. Keep the flashlight and charger contacts clean at all times. Poor
contacts can cause charger malfunction. An abrasive pencil
eraser works well to clean the contacts.
battery in
4. Observe the LED:
A. If it does not blink rapidly and continuously, indicating a full
charge within 2.75 hours of flashlight insertion, examine the
charger and installation for intermittent wiring that may be
resetting the fast charge rate. If no obvious external fault is
found, return the system to Streamlight for service.
B. If you notice that it always takes longer than 2.5 hours for the
LED to blink, especially if the Flashlight has not been fully
discharged, return the system for service.
C. If the LED does not come on steady when you insert the
flashlight, return the system for service.
D. Proper function of the fast charge termination circuit can be
tested by the following: insert a flashlight into the charger for
at least 5 minutes. Without removing it from the charger, turn
it "on" briefly In approximately ten (10) seconds, the LED
should switch to blink mode.
5. The Fast Charge system requires wall transformer #22665-120V,
#22664-23OV, or a DC power cord to charge the UltraStinger or
the SuperStinger.