Polar CPC activator
Component protection cloning
Ref. 54002009704
Product ID : PC01
Polar CPC activator user manual
Read carefully all this instructions before proceed with the activation. In case you have any problem or issue, please go to
our official website
Polar CPC activator will work ONLY is this navigation units, have in mind before start procedure :
1 - MMI 3G Low
1 - MMI 3G High
1 - MMI 3G+ Low
1 - MMI 3G+ High
The activation procedure consists of two simple steps :
STEP 1 (
* With the original MMI 3G/3G+ unit installed on the car)
1 - Switch on car ignition.
2 - Switch on your MMI and wait until it starts.
3 - Now connect your activator to the car OBD port (check image)
4 - In the activator a green light will start blinking, simply wait a minute until it stop blinking and keeps on.
5 - Disconnect your activator from the car, and switch of the ignition.
STEP 2 (
* Now remove your original MMI 3G/3G+ unit and install the new MMI 3G/3G+ in your car)
** NOTE : It is not a problem if original unit is MMI 3G and the new unit is MMI 3G+.
1 - Switch on car ignition.
2 - Switch on your MMI and wait until it starts.
3 - Now, before connect the activator to the OBD Port,
4 -
Without release the push
5 - In the activator a green light will start blinking, simply wait a minute until it stop blinking and keeps on.
6 - Disconnect your activator from the car, and switch of the ignition.
7 - The navigation unit will take a minute to start again due the activator reset it after finish the process.
Get in touch
and create a support ticket. Our support team will kindly assist you as soon as
keep pressed the activator push
button, connect your box to the ODB Port.
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