Underwater weight
Improvements to this product may result in unannounced changes to speci-
fi cations and external appearance. Nikon will not be held liable for damages
that may result from any errors this manual may contain. Unless otherwise
stated, all fi gures are for a unit with fresh batteries operating at the temperature
specifi ed by the Camera and Imaging Products Association (CIPA): 23 ±3 °C
(73.4 ±5.4 °F).
Accessories Available for Separate Purchase
Accessories Available for Separate Purchase
Nikon off ers the following options and replacement items:
• Underwater Bracket SK-N10A
• Underwater Fiber-Optic Cable Adapter SR-N10A
• Underwater Fiber-Optic Cable SC-N10A
• Underwater Wide-Flash Adapter SW-N10A
• O-Ring WP-O3000
• Silicon Grease WP-G1000
Approximately 627 g (1 lb 6.1 oz), excluding
Approximately 90 g (3.2 oz), including batteries