You can also set extra functions, such as a Call
Time Reminder and Auto Redial. You can also
set your phone to vibrate when connected on
a call, and to automatically record voice calls.
The phone comes pre-loaded with five modes:
Normal, Silent, Meeting, Indoor, and Outdoor.
You can edit the settings of each of these by
pressing Options, then selecting Settings. You
can also create new profiles by pressing Op-
tions and then selecting "Add New."
In the Connections menu, you can adjust
settings dealing with your Network connections,
based on your service provider. You can also
set Data Connection Settings to either always
be connected or only connect when needed.
Your phone comes with a variety of multime-
dia functions pre-installed, such as a Camera,
Audio Player, Audio Recorder, Video Player,
and FM Radio. These function with the built-in
camera and microphone. They can be found in
the main menu, and under "Multimedia."