Step 4:
Finally, setup the default gateway. Please enter the IP address of
the gateway from which this network is reachable. []:
This is the configuration information that has been collected:
SNMP Interface = "public"@
User Account setup = admin
Password = ********
Management IP address =
Default Gateway =
Operation Mode = Normal
Step 5:
If the information is correct, please select (Y) to save the
configuration, and copy to the start-up configuration file. If the
information is incorrect, select (N) to discard configuration and
restart the wizard: [Y/N] y
Thank you for using Dell Easy Set up Wizard. You will now enter CLI
Advanced Configuration
This section provides summary information about such common tasks as:
Retrieving an IP Address From a DHCP Server
Security Management and Password Configuration
For detailed information on all the CLI commands available for the 8024 and 8024F M6348
switches, see the CLI Reference Guide.
Retrieving an IP Address From a DHCP Server
When using the DHCP protocol to retrieve an IP address, the switch acts as a DHCP client.
To retrieve an IP address from a DHCP server, perform the following steps:
Select and connect any port to a DHCP server or to a subnet that has a DHCP server on it, in
order to retrieve the IP address.
You do not need to delete the switch configuration to retrieve an IP address for the D HCP server.
Enter the following commands to use the selected port for receiving the IP address.
console(config)#ip address dhcp
The interface receives the IP address automatically.
Getting Started Guide