Operating instructions
These operating instructions are only valid in
combination with the operating instructions for
the MULTI-Tank 340 l (138.0909.306) and the
Centri (M0183) electric pump.
1. Filling the tank
Unscrew the cap on the filling opening (item ).
The tank must be filled using a delivery nozzle
with an automatic shut-off. After filling, replace
the cap on the filling opening.
2. Preparing the tank for transportation
1.1 Transportation exclusively for internal or
external supply
The ADR regulations apply if the tank is being
transported for the internal or external supply of
equipment with diesel fuel. All openings on the
tank must be closed. In this case, the pump
(item b) and the level indicator (item c) must
be detached and the sealing cap screwed on.
1.2 Exemption according to ADR,
sub-section c), related to the nature
of the transportation operation
The provisions laid down in the ADR regulations
do not apply to the carriage undertaken by enter-
prises which is ancillary to their main activity,
such as deliveries to or returns from building or
civil engineering sites, or in relation to survey-
ing, repairs and maintenance, in quantities of not
more than 450 litres per packaging and within
the maximum quantity specified in ADR, sub-
section (1,000 l for diesel fuel). In this
case, the pump and level indicator do not have
to be detached. Nevertheless, measures must
be taken to prevent any leakage of the contents
under normal conditions of carriage, i.e. all other
openings of the tank must be closed.
3. Periodic tests, inspections
Please refer to the operating instructions for the
MULTI-Tank 340 l (135.0909.306) and for the
Centri electric pump (M0183).
4. Approval Certificate
See pages 8 - 12