The contact is added.
Check Contacts
View a contact's details by displaying a contact entry.
1. From home, tap Phone
You will see the Contacts list.
You can also access contacts directly from the Contacts shortcut or the apps list. From
home, tap Contacts
2. Tap a contact to view its details.
The contact's detailed listing appears.
Edit a Contact
Once you've added a contact, you can add or edit any of the information in the entry, assign a caller
ID picture, customize with a unique ringtone, and more.
1. From home, tap Contacts
You will see the Contacts list.
You can also access contacts directly from the Contacts shortcut or the apps list. From
home, tap Contacts
2. Tap a contact to view its details.
The contact's detailed listing appears.
Phone App
, or if there's no shortcut, tap Apps
, or if there's no shortcut, tap Apps
> Contacts
> Contacts