4. Set Up and Control
Your DB Series subwoofer can only be set
up and controlled using the DB Subwoofers
app. If you have not already downloaded
and installed the app on your iOS or Android
device please do so now. Bluetooth must be
enabled on the device in order for it to connect
to the subwoofer.
Note: The DB Subwoofers app requires iOS
version 10 and Android version 7 or later.
Bluetooth must be switched on in the iOS or
Android settings.
When your DB subwoofer is connected to signal
cables and mains power it will switch on in
operational mode with its front panel standby
indicator illuminating green. To begin the set up
procedure follow the steps below:
• Launch the DB Subwoofers app and confirm
Bluetooth pairing. When pairing is complete the
app will display the app home page.
• The home page provides subwoofer level
adjustment, product information, auto-standby
options and access to the Room EQ optimisation
procedure. There is no necessity to use Room
EQ, however doing so will ensure that your
subwoofer performs optimally in your room.
4.1 Room Equalisation
Note: If two subwoofers are to be set up,
the Room EQ procedure must be carried out
separately for each one.
• To begin the Room EQ procedure select Tune on
home page. Room EQ employs the microphone
in your mobile device to analyse the performance
of the subwoofer in your room, and the initial
requirement is for the mobile device microphone
to be calibrated. This is done by placing the
mobile device in close proximity to one of the
subwoofer drive units while the subwoofer
generates a test signal.
• With the mobile device microphone calibrated,
the Room EQ procedure provides options for the
subwoofer optimisation to be targeted at a single
listening position, a listening area appropriate
to two or three listeners, or targeted generally
throughout the room. Choose your preferred
option and select Next.
• The subwoofer will generate a series of eight
separate measurements and use the mobile
device microphone to measure the sound in the
room and automatically apply an optimal EQ
curve. If the Group or Room listening options
were selected the app will ask you to move to
different positions as the eight measurements
are taken.
• When the measurements are complete the
results will be displayed. Room EQ will then be
complete. On selecting Next the app will return
to the home page.
If your DB subwoofer is moved within the listening
room or if large items of furniture are introduced, the
Room EQ procedure should be repeated.
Bluetooth pairing and app home page.
Room EQ: mobile device microphone calibration.
Room EQ: Measurement and analysis.