LED Light
When shipped from the factory, the LED is set to turn ON when the connected light is turned On. This is the default
setting and can be changed if your primary controller supports the node configuration function or by a manual
method. To make the LED turn ON when the light is turned ON, change parameter 3's value to "1". To turn the LED
OFF at all times, change parameter 3's value to 2.
• Parameter No: 3
• Length: 1 Byte
• Valid Values = 0, 1 or 2 (default 0)
Manual Method
LED light straight out of the box:
LED light off when device is off
LED light on when device is on
LED light invert option (Press button 10 times to invert LED light)
LED light off when device is turned on
LED light on when device is turned off
Factory Reset
1. If plugged in, unplug the Switch from the receptacle.
Press and hold the top button for at least 3 seconds while you plug the switch into a receptacle.