6. Commissioning, operation
Compression fitting
1. Screw the compression fitting (1) into the process connection and tighten.
2. Insert the tapered side of the ferrule (2) into the fitting and screw on the union nut (3) hand-tight.
3. Insert the temperature switch into the fitting and maintain it at the required immersion depth. Tighten
the union nut (3) with approx. 50 Nm.
The temperature switch can be damaged at high temperatures. At medium temperatures
above 80° C (176 °F) make sure that the distance to the housing (55 mm) is maintained
when mounting the compression fitting.
4. Optional
Check the assembly: Loosen the union nut. The ferrule is firmly connected to the sensor tube.
Step 1
WIKA operating instructions temperature switch, model TSD-30
Step 2
Step 3