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See Warranty on page 8 for important information about commercial use of this product.
Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
Please read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described.
Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or
property damage! Retain instructions for future reference.
Oilless Compressors
Oilless compressors are designed for
do-it-yourselfers with a variety of home
and automotive jobs. These units
operate without oil. Compressed air
from this unit will contain moisture.
Install a water filter or air dryer if
application requires dry air.
Safety Guidelines
This manual contains information that is
very important to know and understand.
This information is provided for SAFETY
and to PREVENT E Q U I P M E N T P R O B L E M S .
To help recognize this information,
observe the following symbols.
Danger indicates an
i m m i n e n t l y
hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
WILL result in death or serious injury.
Warning indicates a
p o t e n t i a l l y
hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
COULD result in death or serious injury.
Caution indicates a
hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, MAY result in minor or
moderate injury.
Notice indicates
information, that if not followed, MAY
cause damage to equipment.
After unpacking the unit, inspect
carefully for any damage that may have
occurred during transit. Make sure to
tighten fittings, bolts, etc., before putting
unit into service. In case of questions,
damaged or missing parts, please call 1-
800-543-6400 for customer assistance.
Have the date code, model number,
and parts list (with missing parts circled
before calling.)
REMINDER: Keep your dated proof of purchase for warranty purposes!
© 2008
1 - 8 0 0 - 5 4 3 - 6 4 0 0
Record the Model No., Serial No. and
date of purchase located on the base
below the pump in the space below.
Model No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Date Code _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Date of purchase _________________
Retain these numbers for future
r e f e r e n c e.
shipping, handling or use. Damage may
result in bursting and cause injury or
property damage.
General Safety
I n f o rm a t i o n
Since the air compressor and other
components used (filters, lubricators,
hoses, etc.), make up a high pressure
pumping system, the following safety
precautions must be observed at all times:
1 . Read all manuals included
with this product carefully.
Be thoroughly familiar
with the controls and the
proper use of the equipment.
Attach it to this manual or file it for safekeeping.
FP202801, FP202901, FP202897,
FP202999DB, FP202999DQ, and FP202899TT
Do not operate unit
if damaged during
2 . Follow all local electrical and safety
3 . Only persons well acquainted with
4 . Keep visitors away and NEVER allow
5 . Wear safety glasses and
B reathable Air Wa rn i n g
This compressor/pump is not
equipped and should not be used
"as is" to supply breathing
quality air. For any application of
air for human consumption, the
air compressor/pump will need to
be fitted with suitable in-line
safety and alarm equipment. This
additional equipment is necessary
to properly filter and purify the
air to meet minimal specifications
for Grade D breathing as
described in Compressed Gas
Association Commodity
Specification G 7.1 - 1966, OSHA
29 CFR 1910. 134, and/or Canadian
Standards Associations (CSA).
In the event the compressor is
used for the purpose of breathing
air application and proper in-line
safety and alarm equipment is
not simultaneously used, existing
warranties shall be voided, and
the company disclaims any
liability whatsoever for any loss,
personal injury or damage.
codes as well as in the US, National
Electrical Codes (NEC) and Occupational
Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
these rules of safe operation should
be allowed to use the compressor.
children in the work area.
use hearing protection
when operating the
pump or unit.
IN614205AV 11/08



Resumen de contenidos para Campbell FP202801

  • Página 1 See Warranty on page 8 for important information about commercial use of this product. FP202801, FP202901, FP202897, Operating Instructions and Parts Manual FP202999DB, FP202999DQ, and FP202899TT Please read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described.
  • Página 2: General Safety Information

    Oilless Compre s s o r s General Safety 1 4 . Fast moving air will stir up dust and GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS I n f o rmation debris which may be harmful. Release ( C o n t i n u e d ) 1 .
  • Página 3: Definition Of Terms

    FP202801, FP202901, FP202897, FP202999DB, FP202999DQ, and FP202899TT 5. Turn on/off switch to OFF position. Handle 6. Unplug power cord. ON/OFF Switch BEFORE EACH STARTUP OPERATING PROCEDURE 1. Connect air hose to open port located below pressure gauge. 2. Attach the necessary fitting or tool Pressure Gauge to open end of air hose.
  • Página 4 Oilless Compre s s o r s M a i n t e n a n c e ( C o n t i n u e d ) MOISTURE IN COMPRESSED AIR Moisture in compressed air will form into droplets as it comes from an air The compressor should be checked compressor pump.
  • Página 5: Troubleshooting Chart

    FP202801, FP202901, FP202897, FP202999DB, FP202999DQ, and FP202899TT Troubleshooting Chart Symptom Possible Cause(s) Corrective Action Compressor will not run 1 . Switch in OFF p o s i t i o n 1 . Make sure compressor is plugged in and switch is ON 2 .
  • Página 6 Oilless Compre s s o r s Figure 7...
  • Página 7: Replacement Parts List

    FP202801, FP202901, FP202897, FP202999DB, FP202999DQ, and FP202899TT For replacement parts or technical assistance, call 1-800-543-6400 Please provide following information: Address parts correspondence to: - Model number Attn: Customer Service - Serial number (if any) 100 Production Drive - Part description and number as shown in parts list Harrison, OH 45030 U.S.A.
  • Página 8 2 . WHO GIVES THIS WARRANTY (WARRANTOR): Campbell Hausfeld / Scott Fetzer Company, 100 Production Drive, Harrison, Ohio, 45030, Telephone: (800) 543-6400 3 . WHO RECEIVES THIS WARRANTY (PURCHASER): The original purchaser (other than for purposes of resale) of the Campbell Hausfeld compressor.
  • Página 9 Voir la Garantie à la page 16 pour de l’information importante sur l’utilisation commercial de ce produit. FP202801, FP202901, FP202897, Instructions d’Utilisation et Manual de Pièces FP202999DB, FP202999DQ, et FP202899TT S’il vous plaît lire et conserver ces instructions. Lire attentivement avant de monter, installer, utiliser ou de procéder à l’entretien du produit décrit.
  • Página 10: Généralités Sur La Sécurité

    C o m p resseur Sans Huile Généralités sur la Purger le réservoir Installation quotidiennement. Sécurité ( S u i t e ) E N D R O I T 1 3 . L’accumulation d’humidité cause la 5 . Utiliser des lunettes de Il est très important d’utiliser le rouille qui peut affaiblir le réservoir.
  • Página 11: Avant Chaque Démarrage - Procédure De Fonctionnement

    FP202801, FP202901, FP202897, FP202999DB, FP202999DQ, et FP202899TT Installation pressostat mettra en marche le 1 . Ne pas fixer de boyau ou tout autre (suite) compresseur automatiquement lorsque raccord au sortie d’aire de le 2 . Si la réparation ou le remplacement la pression atteint la valeur de c o m p r e s s e u r .
  • Página 12 C o m p resseur Sans Huile Fonctionnement L’HUMIDITÉ DANS L’AIR COMPRIMÉ ( S u i t e ) L’humidité dans l’air comprimé forme des goutelettes en arrivant de la pompe du compresseur. Si l’humidité est élevée ou si le compresseur est utilisé 5 b .
  • Página 13: Guide De Dépannage

    FP202801, FP202901, FP202897, FP202999DB, FP202999DQ, et FP202899TT Entretien ( S u i t e ) 5 . Le tuyau doit être débranché du compresseur et suspendu avec les 4 . Vidanger le réservoir de toute bouts ouverts face en bas pour laisser condensation en ouvrant le robinet couler toute humidité.
  • Página 14 C o m p resseur Sans Huile Figure 7 1 4 F r...
  • Página 15: Liste De Pieces De Rechange

    FP202801, FP202901, FP202897, FP202999DB, FP202999DQ, et FP202899TT Pour les pièces de rechange ou l’assistance technique, appeler 1-800-543-6400 S’il vous plaît fournir l’information suivant: Correspondance concernant les pièces : -Numéro du modèle Attn: Customer Service -Numéro de série (si applicable) 100 Production Drive -Description de la pièce et son numéro sur la liste de pièces...
  • Página 16: Garantie Limitée

    8 . RESPONSABILITÉS DE L’ACHETEUR AUX TERMES DE CETTE GARANTIE: A . Fournir une preuve d’achat datée et un état d’entretien. B . Appelez Campbell Hausfeld (800-543-6400) pour obtenir vos options de service sous garantie. Les frais de transport sont la responsabilité de l’acheteur.
  • Página 17 Ver la Garantía en página 24 para información importante sobre el uso comercial de este producto. FP202801, FP202901, FP202897, Manuel de Instrucciones y Lista de Piezas FP202999DB, FP202999DQ, y FP202899TT Sírvase leer y guardar estas instrucciones.Lea con cuidado antes de tratar de armar, instalar, manejar o darle servicio al producto descrito en este manual.
  • Página 18: Proposición 65 De California

    C o m p re s o res Sin Aceite I n f o rm a c i o n e s Drene el tanque Instalación diariamente. Generales de Seguridad C O L O C A C I O N 1 3 .
  • Página 19: Funcionamiento

    FP202801, FP202901, FP202897, FP202999DB, FP202999DQ, y FP202899TT Instalación M a n ó m e t r o s - Este manómetro indica 2 . Coloque el interruptor de ( C o n t i n u a c i ó n ) la presión de aire en libras por pulgada...
  • Página 20: Mantenimiento

    C o m p re s o res Sin Aceite Funcionamiento HUMEDAD EN EL AIRE COMPRIMIDO ( C o n t i n u a c i ó n ) La humedad que se acumula en el aire comprimido se convierte en gotas a medida que sale del cabezal del compresor de aire.
  • Página 21: Guía De Diagnóstico De Averías

    FP202801, FP202901, FP202897, FP202999DB, FP202999DQ, y FP202899TT Mantenimiento (Cont.) 4 . Drene el tanque de la condensación 5 . Debe desconectar la manguera del abriendo la válvula de drenaje al compresor y colgarla con los 3 . Con las gafas de seguridad puestas, fondo del tanque.
  • Página 22 C o m p re s o res Sin Aceite Figura 7 2 2 S p...
  • Página 23: Liste De Repuestos

    FP202801, FP202901, FP202897, FP202999DB, FP202999DQ, y FP202899TT Para ordenar repuestos o asistencia técnica, sírvase llamar al distribuidor más cercano a su domicilio Sírvase darnos la siguiente información: Dirija toda la correspondencia a: -Número del modelo Attn: Customer Service -Número de Serie (de haberlo) 100 Production Drive -Descripción y número del repuesto según la lista de repuestos...
  • Página 24: Garantía Limitada

    B . CUALQUIER PERDIDA DAÑO INCIDENTAL, INDIRECTO O CONSECUENTE QUE PUEDA RESULTAR DE UN DEFECTO, F A L L A O MALFUNCIONAMIENTO DEL PRODUCTO CAMPBELL HAUSFELD. En algunos estados no se permite la exclusión o limitación de daños incidentales o consecuentes, por lo tanto, en tales casos esta limitación o exclusión no es aplicable C .

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