Step 10: Mark Outline of Strikes
• Measure only one-half of the door's thickness starting from the door stop and vertically mark
the center of the drill point center for the strike.
• Place the strikes in position and mark the outline of the strike plates.
Step 11: Drill Holes and Install Strikes
• Drill a 1" (25.4 mm) hole into the door jamb. Caution: To ensure proper lockset function, holes in
the door jamb must be drilled 1" (25.4 mm) deep.
• Chisel an outline for the strike plates that is 1/16" (1.5 mm) deep, or until the plates are flush
with the door jamb.
• Install the strike plates and secure with wood screws.
Mark outline of
strike plates
Door stop
Vertical centerline
of jamb
Drill point center
for strike