Relative humidity
Relative humidity is indicated in relation to maximum possible humidity
(100 %) at which air forms water vapour. The ability of air to hold water
is temperature dependent. Thus humidity is the volume of water vapour
in the air. The range for humidity is 0 ... 100%. 100% = saturation point.
Under these conditions for temperature and atmospheric pressure, air
cannot absorb any more water.
When temperature uctuations (± 1 °C) and/or changes to relative humidity
(± 1%) are rapid, the sensor must adapt itself to the new conditions. An
hour-glass with progress bar are displayed during this stabilisation process.
During this process, displayed values are only approximations. Only after
these symbols have switched off is a stable value presented which
represents maximum accuracy.
Setting the emission coef cient
Relative humidity is automatically determined and
displayed during the measurement process.
. . .
E 0,10 ... 0,99