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Fax +32 2 359 95 50
Prajitor de paine
I/B Version
Front cover page (first page)
Copies of the I/B. Please reproduce them without any
changes except under special instruction from Team
International BELGIUM. The pages must be reproduced
and folded in order to obtain a booklet A5 (+/- 148.5 mm
width x 210 mm height). When folding, make sure you
keep the good numbering when you turn the pages of
the I/B. Don't change the page numbering. Keep the
language integrity.
230V~ 50Hz 800W
Assembly page 1/32


Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Team International TEAM TO 32

  • Página 1 I/B. Don’t change the page numbering. Keep the language integrity. Fax +32 2 359 95 50 Toaster Toaster Grille-Pain Broodrooster Tostador Torradeira Tostapane Prajitor de paine Тостер TEAM TO 32 I/B Version 230V~ 50Hz 800W 090904 Front cover page (first page) Assembly page 1/32...
  • Página 2 210 mm height). When folding, make sure you keep the good numbering when you turn the pages of the I/B. Don’t change the page numbering. Keep the language integrity. Fax +32 2 359 95 50 TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 2/32...
  • Página 3 Ontdooifunctie ( Бутон за затопляне( Regelknop bruiningsgraad Kruimellade Функция размразяване ( Регулатор на изпичането Тавичка за трохи Manecilla Botón de parada (STOP) Botón de recalentamiento ( Botón descongelación ( Regulación electrónica Bandeja recogemigas TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 3/32...
  • Página 4: Wichtige Sicherheitsvorschriften

    Vorschriften, da letztere oft nicht befolgt werden und die Toaster deshalb auch die Ursache von Wohnungsbränden sein können. Entfernen Sie regelmäßig die Brotkrümel aus dem Gerät. Ziehen Sie dazu erst den Stecker aus der Steckdose. Siehe Abschnitt « Pflege des Toasters und Reinigung ». TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 4/32...
  • Página 5: Vor Dem Ersten Gebrauch

    Eine Kabelbefestigung ist auf der unteren Seite Ihres Toasters vorgesehen. Dazu wickeln Sie die Anschlussleitung um die beiden Befestigungshaken am Boden und drücken Sie das Ende in die vorgesehene Kabeldurchführung unter dem Gerät. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 5/32...
  • Página 6 Verpackung zeigt, nicht in den unsortierten Restmüll gegeben werden. Der Verbraucher hat das Recht, dieses Gerät über kommunale Sammelstellen zu entsorgen; von dort aus wird die spezifische Behandlung, Verwertung bzw. das Recycling gem. den Erfordernissen der Richtlinie sichergestellt. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 6/32...
  • Página 7: Important Safeguards

    Competent qualified service: after-sales department of the producer or importer or any person who is qualified, approved and competent to perform this kind of repairs in order to avoid all danger. In case of need you should return the appliance to this service. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 7/32...
  • Página 8: Maintenance And Cleaning

    MUST THE TOASTER BE IMMERSED IN WATER OR ANY OTHER LIQUID. • All other maintenance and repair should be performed by a qualified technician. No guarantee claims will be accepted if the appliance has been opened or damaged previously. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 8/32...
  • Página 9 The user has the right to bring it to a municipal collection point performing waste recovery by means of reuse, recycling or use for other applications in accordance with the directive. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 9/32...
  • Página 10: Pour Votre Securite

    Soyez très rigoureux à ce sujet car les grille- pain sont causes de beaucoup d’incendies suite à un non-respect des élémentaires consignes de sécurité. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 10/32...
  • Página 11: Avant La Premiere Utilisation

    Le bouton décongélation ( ) vous permet de griller du pain qui avait été congelé au préalable. • Débranchez toujours votre appareil après usage et laissez-le refroidir avant de le ranger ou de le manipuler. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 11/32...
  • Página 12 L'utilisateur a le droit de déposer l'appareil gratuitement dans des lieux publics de collecte procédant à un tri sélectif des déchets pour être soit recyclé, soit réutilisé pour d’autres applications conformément à la directive. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 12/32...
  • Página 13: Belangrijke Veiligheidsvoorschriften

    Haal regelmatig de broodkruimels uit het toestel. Zorg er steeds voor om de stekker uit het stopcontact te trekken vooraleer hiermee te beginnen. Raadpleeg het hoofdstuk "Reiniging en onderhoud". TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 13/32...
  • Página 14: Vóór Het Eerste Gebruik

    Onder het toestel bevindt zich een snoeropbergvak (twee halfronde lippen). Voor het opbergen kunt u het snoer rond de twee lippen wikkelen. Maak het snoer vervolgens in de daartoe voorziene draadgeleider vast. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 14/32...
  • Página 15: Reiniging En Onderhoud

    De gebruiker heeft het recht het toestel gratis naar een gemeentelijk centrum van gescheiden inzameling te brengen waar het overeenkomstig de richtlijn hergebruikt, gerecycleerd of voor andere doeleinden gebruikt zal worden. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 15/32...
  • Página 16: Consejos De Seguridad

    Cuando limpie el aparato no utilice esponjas metálicas para evitar el riesgo de cortocircuitos. Su aparato nunca debe ser puesto en marcha mediante un minutero externo o un sistema de mando a distancia separado. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 16/32...
  • Página 17: Antes De La Primera Utilización

    No utilizar un tenedor o instrumento puntiagudo que podría estropear la resistencia del aparato. • NUNCA INTRODUZCA EL APARATO EN EL AGUA U OTRO LÍQUIDO. • Toda otra limpieza o reparación deberá ser realizada por un servicio especializado. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 17/32...
  • Página 18 TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 18/32...
  • Página 19: Para A Sua Segurança

    O aparelho não deve ser utilizado para descongelar alimentos, torrar pão impregnado de qualquer substâncias ou de dimensão não adequada à entrada do aparelho obrigando a forçar a entrada e saida. Por razões de segurança leia atentamente as condições de utilização. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 19/32...
  • Página 20: Antes Da Primeira Utilização

    Para o colocar no lugar proceda de forma inversa. • Atenção: é importante que regularmente retire as migalhas do interior do aparelho. Se o não fizer pode acontecer que peguem fogo. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 20/32...
  • Página 21 TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 21/32...
  • Página 22 Non usare strumenti metallici per la pulizia dell’apparecchio al fine di evitare rischi di corto-circuiti. L’apparecchio non deve mai essere accesso tramite un timer esterno o un altro sistema di comando a distanza separato. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 22/32...
  • Página 23: Prima Del Primo Uso

    Non usare oggetti taglienti/appuntiti per pulire l’apparecchio, poiché potrebbero danneggiarlo. • Pulire il rivestimento esterno unicamente con un panno morbido e asciutto. • Non utilizzare l’apparecchio vicino all’acqua e non immergerlo in acqua o in altri liquidi. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 23/32...
  • Página 24 Per eliminare il vecchio apparecchio non più utilizzato, potete consegnarlo al rivenditore il cambio di quello nuovo acquistato, o direttamente nei centri di raccolta specializzati messi a disposizione dal vostro comune di residenza. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 24/32...
  • Página 25: Masuri De Siguranta

    In timpul functionarii sau atunci cand curatati aparatul nu introduceti obiecte metalice. Pericol de scurt-circuit. Aparatul dvs. Nu trebuie niciodata pornit de o priza programabila externa sau de orice fel de sistem de comanda. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 25/32...
  • Página 26: Inainte De Prima Folosire A Toaster-Ului

    şi electronice împreună cu alte reziduuri. Debarasarea corespunzătoare a produselor uzate previne formarea unor efecte negative pentru mediul natural şi sănătatea umană, care pot fi produse de manipularea nepotrivită a reziduurilor rămase din uzarea aparatelor electronice. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 26/32...
  • Página 27 дистанционен контрол на управлението. Квалифициран ел. техник: Сервизния отдел на производителя или вносителя упълномощава лице, което е квалифицирано и компетентно да извърши поправки, зада предотврати опасност. Повредения уред трябва да се върне в сервиза. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 27/32...
  • Página 28: Преди Първоначална Употреба

    Почистете външните части с влажна мека кърпа. • ПОРАДИ НИКАКВА ПРИЧИНА ТОСТЕРА НЕ ТРЯБВА ДА СЕ ПОТЯПЯ ВЪВ ВОДА! • Всичко друго обслужване или поправка трябва да се извършват от квалифициран електро техник. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 28/32...
  • Página 29 на табелката или опаковката, то същия не трябва да се изхвърля заедно с общия боклук. Потребителя има право да занесе уреда до мястото, където се събиране такъв отпадък, който се рециклира, преработва или се използва за други цели съгласно директивата. TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 29/32...
  • Página 30 210 mm height). When folding, make sure you keep the good numbering when you turn the pages of the I/B. Don’t change the page numbering. Keep the language integrity. Fax +32 2 359 95 50 TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 30/32...
  • Página 31 210 mm height). When folding, make sure you keep the good numbering when you turn the pages of the I/B. Don’t change the page numbering. Keep the language integrity. Fax +32 2 359 95 50 TEAM TO 32 - 090904 Assembly page 31/32...
  • Página 32 210 mm height). When folding, make sure you keep the good numbering when you turn the pages of the I/B. Don’t change the page numbering. Keep the language integrity. Fax +32 2 359 95 50 TEAM TO 32 Deutsch English Français Nederlands Español...

Tabla de contenido