Latch replacement / Sustitución del trinquete / Remplacement du cliquet / Austausch der Schauchsperre
Con la manguera enrollada y el tope de manguera apoyado en los
rodillos de salida, desenroscar los tornillos (1) (fig. 9).
2. Desenrosque el eje de trinquete (2) (fig. 10), y retire el conjunto
de trinquete.
3. Limpie los componentes del trinquete o sustitúyalos si es
necesario y vuelva a montar en orden contrario.
4. Asegúrese de que el trinquete funciona correctamente.
Swivel replacement / Sustitución de la rótula / Remplacement de la rotule / Austausch des Anschlussgelenks
Disconnect the hose of the inlet hose (1) (fig. 11).
2. Loosen the set screw in the nut (2) (fig. 12)and remove the nut (3)
(fig. 12).
3. Remove the screws (4) (fig. 12) and the lateral cover (5) (fig. 12).
and the spacer tube (6) (fig. 12).
4. Remove the gooseneck from the swivel. Use two wrenches in
order to avoid any shaft damage.
5. Remove the swivel (7) (fig. 12 & 13) and replace it with a new one,
or replace the seals (8) (fig. 13). Make sure the seals are placed
6. Grease the interior of the swivel and place it carefully back on the
shaft until it touches the bearing on the spool.
Replace the parts in the reverse order they were removed.
Balcrank Corporation - Weaverville - NC · Tel.: 800-747-5300 ·
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
R. 09/20 SB 2038