1 .W a r n i n g
Please consult your doctor before starting a new exercise. Although
the wristband can monitor your real-time dynamic heart rate, it can�t
be used for any medical purposes. It is only to help people live a more
healthy life.
2 . D e v i ce R e q u i r e m e n t s
Support Bluetooth 4.0 devices with Android 4.4, IOS9.0 and above. For
devices with Android 6.0 and above, GPS need to be switched on.
3 . C h a r g i n g
To ensure smooth charging, please keep the metal contacts clean and
not oxidized. Note: Please remember to recharge wristband at least
once each month if keep long-term idle.
a.Please dock the main unit of the smart wristband
onto the charging base
b.Make sure that the charger's metal contacts are
properly aligned
c.Do not align the main body in reverse or it will be
unable to charge
d.After the device is clipped in a 5V micro USB
charging cable can be inserted Charge the device
(fully charging the device takes 2-3 hours)