o P e R a t i n G
working HouRs
since last
P R e V i o u s d a Y m i n i m u m a n d m a X i m u m
t e m P e R a t u R e s
time when the
temperature was
recorded maXimum or minimum
s u m m e R / a i R - C o n d i t i o n i n G m o d e
intellitherm C57RF starts the aiR-ConditioninG mode moving the switch to the summeR
sectors on the ring indicate what time the air-conditioning is on; the other colours indicate
when the system is oFF.
t e C H n i C a l
F e a t u R e s
in compliance with the standards en 50371, en 60950-1,
en 3000220-2, en 301489-3
in compliance with the directive 1999/5/eC
Class a software
temperature regulation: ComFoRt from 2° to 62°C; eConomY
from 2° to 62°C
differential: +/- 0,25°C
thermal gradient: 4°K/h
oFF mode with optional antifreeze protection (5°C) by a dip switch
maximum room temperature: t45
Power supply without connection to the electrical line with 2 aa
1,5V alkaline batteries (1 year battery life)
H o u R s
working HouRs
on the day before
room temperatures
the ComFoRt/tmaX temperature can be regulated pressing the red keys. the red
With C57RF it is possible to know for how many hours the
heating system worked the day before (closed relay – on) and
from the last intellitherm initialization (last reset or battery
in setting switches like the picture the display showes the
working hours
With intellitherm C57RF it is possible to verify the minimum
and maXimum temperatures reached the day before and what
time they were measured.
move the switch to the eConomY position
minimum temperature or move to the ComFoRt position
to read the maXimum temperature.
move the switch to PRoG
Radio frequency value: 868.350 mhz = 15mW
Radio frequency maximum range: 30 meters indoor
(according to the wall conformation); 70 meters outdoor
automatic control of the battery charge; the display will
indicate if the charge is inadequate
Battery replacement without data dropout.
switch for the winter or summer operating modes.
Reset key to restore the set program.
dimensions: 130 x 80 x 17 mm.
erP classification: erP Class IV; 2% (eu Reg. 811/2013
- 813/2013)
a d V a n C e d
F u n C t i o n s
to read the
e n g l i s h