1. This Gazebo is not a permanent structure and should be disassembled & stored away after use.
2. Do not repack your gazebo until completely dry.
3. This Gazebo must be assembled by Four adults or more.
4. This Gazebo must not be left erect in windy conditions.
5. Loading limit of the hook is 45 lbs
6. Loading limit of the ring is 25 lbs
7. Loading limit of the glass side bar top is 33 lbs.
Step. 7: Use Screw (DD), Flat washer (EE) and Plastic
washer (FF) to fix the Glass side bar top (G) to Pole (A3
and A4) and then use Wrench (WW) to tighten the
screw, but not too tight so that the glass bar top can flip
smoothly. Insert the pin on the pole into the hole at the
end of the bar top support (H) and then put the dowel
attached to the little chain into the pin on the pole to set
up the side bar top (Fig 7). When not in use, the side bar
top support (H) can go separately with the poles and the
top can stand vertically.
Step 8 Use stake (W) to fix the gazebo on ground (Fig.
8-1). Lastly use the Plastic ties (GG) to fix the Bug netting
(S2) to the screen (Fig. 8-2), and tie the bug netting to the
Now the gazebo is ready for use.