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Safety instruction: the seatslider is an accessory for both the Playseat Evolution and
the Playseat Classic. It can therefore be used only for this purpose.
If you purchased the seatslider at the same time as the Playseat, you can simply assemble it in-between
during the construction process. If you purchased the seatslider subsequently, you need to unscrew
the chair from the support before you can assemble the seatsliders.
1. Fasten the seatslider using the original internal wrenching bolts of the chair.
N.B.: stuck to the seatsliders are stickers which read "this side up". This means that you should
screw the seatslider with the stickers against the upper edge of the chair!
Before starting assembly, you fi rst need to move the slide a little. You can do this by holding
down the handle with your thumb and sliding the slide backward, thus exposing the slotted
holes for the purpose of securing the seatslider (photo 1).
2. Once you've assembled both seatsliders, you can push the tips of the clip between both
seatsliders (photo 2). This clip enables you to adjust the chair. After fastening, press in the clip
and slide both seatsliders right back.
3. Then screw the chair tight to the frame using the internal wrenching bolts and nuts provided.
Start at the back side of the chair (photo 3). Insert the internal wrenching bolt through
the seatslider and the frame and tighten the nut on it.
As soon as you've fastened both sides on the back edge, slide the chair right back and
do the same at the front side (photo 4).
Playseats wishes you the ultimate racing experience in your own home!