Receiver - Plug-In Dimmer Module
To reset all lamp module addresses
1. Use a sMall shaܣp object, e.g. a pape ܣclip, to pܣess and hold the
setup button until the gܣeen led tuܣns on. (about 3 o 4 ܣseconds)
2. Release the button, the led will blink ܣed and gܣeen and then
tuܣn off.
3. When the ܣed and gܣeen LEDs aܣe off, the Module is ܣeset.
Operating the RPL Module
զunctions enabled by a wiܣeless tܣansMitte( ܣEM, TPC, IMRզ, etc..)
ON / Oզզ key
Tuܣns the laMp On & Off
- Knowledge base aݦailable on www.ebodeelectܣ
Can I plug RPL module into a power strip?
This is no pܣobleM with a siMple powe ܣstܣip howeݦe ܣyou can not use the Module
with a suܣge pܣotected powe ܣstܣip.
I'm using a X10 compatible wireless remote, e.g. TPC, IMRF, EM, SS13,
KR22, SH600 or HR10, but the RPL is not responding?
- Check and/o ܣchange ܣeMote contܣol batteܣies.
- Check if you ܣtܣansceiݦe ܣis coܣܣectly connected.
Rզ TܣansMitte = ܣRPT, RMA, RMV, TM13, CM15 o ܣSC28 secuܣity console
IR TܣansMitte = ܣIR7243 along with the ܣeMote contܣol
- Reset the RPL (see paܣagܣaph 3) then ܣepܣogܣaM the addܣess.
- Then, pܣoceed again using leaܣning Mode as explained in 2.)
The RPT does not respond to command sent via the power line?
- Reset the RPL (see paܣagܣaph 3) then initialize the addܣess.
- Then, pܣoceed again using leaܣning Mode as explained in 2.
July 2009
page 7
Ref : RPL