Set the scale the first time you use it.
Gently press the scale's weighing surface. The display will
and then the scale will automatically switch off.
It is now ready for use.
1. The scale comes on automatically; simply step onto the
scale and wait briefly until your weight is displayed.
2. Your weight will appear on the liquid crystal display.
3. The scale will go off automatically after use.
4. Overload indicator. If the message "Err2" appears, IMME-
DIATELY remove the weight from the scale or permanent
damage may result.
Measuring body fat
1. Press the (ON/OFF) button to start BFM mode;
the previous setting will appear. The height indi-
cator will flash (Fig.1)
Fig. 2
2. Press the ( ) or ( ) keys to increase or de-
crease height.
3. Press (ENTER) to confirm the height setting. The
age indicator will now flash.
4. Press ( ) or ( ) to modify age.
5. Press (ENTER) to confirm the age entered. The
sex indicator will now flash.
Fig. 4
6. Press ( ) or ( ) to modify the sex setting using
the corresponding symbol.
7. Press (ENTER) to confirm the values you have
entered. You will hear a long "beep".
Fig. 5
8. The
symbol will appear (Fig. 2)
Fig. 6
9. Step onto the scale with bare feet. Stand still
while you are weighed. Your weight will be di-
splayed for a few seconds (Fig. 3)
Fig. 7
10. The scale will now start measuring body fat.
While this procedure is underway the message
"BFM measurement in progress" will appear on
the display (Fig. 4).
Fig. 8
11. When BFM measurement has been completed, a
long "beep" will sound. The appliance will display
fat percentage, weight, age and sex for a few
seconds and then go off automatically (Fig. 5).
Body fat measurement using the memory function
The appliance can store data on ten different people in memory.
It can store height, weight, age and sex data for frequent use.
To store data in memory:
Repeat the procedure described in the section on "MEASU-
RING BODY FAT" up to point 8.
The memory symbol ""-"" will appear (Fig. 6).
Press ( ) & ( ) to select the memory position (0 – 9); the me-
mory symbol will flash.
If the selected position in memory is full, the symbol " " will
appear under the memory symbol (Fig. 7).
Press (ENTER) to store the body fat measurement in the desi-
red position in memory. A long "beep" will sound while memo-
risation is underway.
To recall information in memory
Press (ON/OFF) to start BFM mode. Then press (RECALL) to start
up the memory recall function. The current setting will appear.
Press ( ) & ( ) to select the desired memory position (0 – 9).
If the memory position is empty, no previous input will be di-
splayed (Fig. 8).
If the memory position is occupied, the information previously
stored in memory will be displayed (Fig. 7).
Press (ENTER) to accept the BFM settings stored in memory;
a long "beep" will sound.
Step onto the scale with bare feet. Stand still while you are wei-
ghed. Your weight will be displayed for a few seconds (Fig. 3).
The scale will now start measuring body fat. While this proce-
dure is underway the message "BFM measurement in pro-
gress" will appear on the display (Fig. 4).
When BFM measurement has been completed, a long "beep"
will sound. The appliance will display fat percentage, weight,
age and sex for a few seconds and then go off automatically
(Fig. 5).
Error messages
Display Err0
Initialisation error. Try repeating the
Display Err1
Incorrect use or body movement. Re-
peat the measurement.
Display Err2
Overload indication. Remove the weight
from the scale immediately or perma-
nent damage may result.
Display Err3
Body impedance is beyond technical li-
mits (300 ohm – 1 kohm). Wipe the so-
les of your feet with a damp cloth and
repeat the measurement.
Display Err4
Body fat percentage falls outside the
range (5% - 50%). Wipe the soles of
your feet with a damp cloth and repeat
the measurement.
Additional information
1. Ideal body fat percentages as recommended by experts:
Ideal body fat percentages
20% to 29%
10% to 18%