Listen and look to check whether the baby is breathing (fi g. 5).
If the baby does not breathe, start rescue breathing immediately;
simultaneously call – or have somebody call – your local emergen-
cy telephone number 999 or 112.
Place one hand on the baby's forehead and keep her head tilted
a little. Lift her chin with your other hand and seal your mouth
around the baby's mouth and nose (fi g. 6).
Initiate rescue breathing with 2–5 breaths so that at least 2 bre-
aths are effi cient enough.
Check the effi ciency of breaths by watching the bay's chest – the
chest should rise visibly upon breathing in and fall upon breathing
Watch the volume of the inhaled air. It must be neither too small
(the chest does not rise or fall), nor too big. Inappropriate air volu-
me would cause damage to the baby's lungs and airways and its
overall condition would get even worse. The baby's chest should
rise and fall approximately as if the baby was breathing on its own.
Never give breaths if you feel obvious resistance!
Give 30 breaths in 1 minute to a newborn (i.e. 1 breaths in 2 se-
conds), and 20 breaths in 1 minute to an infant (i.e. 1 breath in 3
If the baby does not show any signs of proper blood circulation
(i.e. she is unable to move, cough or breathe), start cardiac massage
(chest compressions) immediately.
Put the baby on her back on a fi rm surface.
Place your index fi nger and middle fi nger on the lower third of the
chest bone – about 1.5 cm (1-fi nger-width) under the imaginary line
between her nipples (fi g. 7). Alternatively, you can hold the baby's torso
fi rmly in your hands while pressing her chest bone with your thumbs
being crossed (fi g. 8) or with two fi ngers.
Compress the baby's chest by about 2–3 cm (approx. by 1/3 of her
torso diameter).
Frequency of compressions: 120/min in newborns and 100/min in in-
Resuscitate newborns at a ratio of 1 breath to 3 chest compressions
and infants at a ratio of 2 breaths to 30 chest compressions provided
there is only one fi rst-aider. If there are two fi rst-aiders, they give 2
breaths per 15 chest compressions.
Take a short break after each sequence of compressions to catch your
After completing every 3rd to 5th cycle check whether respiration and
blood circulation have been restored.
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8