Changing Strings
We recommend that you change one string at a time. Removing all strings at once can have a dramatic effect on
the tension of the neck. First, start with the sixth string (low E) and detune the string until it is loose and you can
unwind the windings from the tuning post. Then remove the bridge pin from the saddle that holds the same
string. It may be difficult to remove the pin with just your fingers, you may want to use a bridge pin tool or
you can reach inside the sound hole and push the pin up from the inside. Once the old string is removed, take the
time to clean the exposed parts of your guitar before installing the new string. Insert the ball end of the new
string into the hole on the saddle, and then insert the bridge pin. Note that the bridge pin has a groove on one
side that allows for the string to sit comfortably inside. As you insert the pin simultaneously pull up on the string
so that the ball end sits firmly inside the guitar. Thread the opposite end of the string through the tuning post
leaving enough string to wrap tightly around the post. For wound strings, you want to have two or three wraps
around the post. For plain strings, three or four windings will do. The best way to measure this is to pull the
string through the post and measure one or two posts beyond it. There are many variations on how to wind the
string around the post but most importantly, make sure that the windings are turned to the inside of the
headstock, wound tight and neatly stacked up the post. Please note that changing string gauges will drastically
change your relief, bow, string height and intonation requiring you to repeat the initial steps to insure your guitar
plays properly.
To ensure that your Cort guitar last a long time and performs at its best, take the time to wipe sweat and oil off
the strings, frets, bridge, saddles and nut. Dirty strings cause a loss of tone, performance, sustain, intonation and
tuning stability.
Your Cort guitar is made of different woods that are sensitive to temperature and humidity sensitive. Take great
care not to expose your instrument to extreme temperatures or humidity as it could be damaging to the