In this manual, explanations are developed to carry out practices with the "Picaxe 08M2". These programs correspond to UCPIC3.
The pins are :
Dans ce manuel, les explications seront développés pour mener à bien pratiques avec "Picaxe 08M2". Ces programmes
correspondent à UCPIC3. Les repères sont les suivants :
En este manual se desarrollarán las explicaciones para llevar a cabo prácticas con el "Picaxe 08M2". Estos programas
corresponden a UCPIC3. Los pins son los siguientes :
It includes NTC probe for temperature
LDR probe includes, for brightness
Il comprend sonde NTC pour la température
Sonde LDR comprend, pour la luminosité
Incluye sonda NTC, para temperatura
Incluye sonda LDR, para luminosidad
Maximum allowable voltage PIN 1-3-4
Tension maximale admissible PIN 1-3-4 : 5V DC
IMPORTANTE : Tensión máxima admisible PIN 1-3-4
- Pin 3 : Its function button. If we activate its value will be 1 if it is not, its value is 0.
- Pin 4 : Its function potentiometer. To read its value use the readadc four instruction (variable where we store the value). Its value
can range from 0 to 256 according to our needs
- Pin 1 : Read light or temperature depending on the probe used (NTC temperature probe and probe light LDR).
The use is the same as with potentiometer.
- Pin 2 : Corresponds to output, connect relay, indicated by an LED
Equiv. pin versus PICAXE 08M2 PIN1=6 PIN2=5 PIN3=4 PIN4=3
PICAXE 08M2 Circuit Temperature/Light
PICAXE 08M2 Circuit Température/Lumière
Circuito PICAXE 08M2 Temperatura/Luz
: 5V DC
: 5V CC
Technical characteristics
Voltage : 12 V DC
Minimum consumition
: 18 mA
Maximum consumition : 48 mA
Supported Picaxe
08M2 /08M
Probe : NTC, LDR
Relay Maximum Load : 2 Amp / 230 VAC
Protection reverse polarity : yes
Recommended power supply :
Size : 72 x 76 x 30 mm.
Din rail : C 7565
FE 103