3E3183 Gallagher HR5 Hand Held EID Tag Reader User Manual
The Reader ican now be searched for and found by other
devices (Discoverable). The status of the current connec on is
displayed on the screen.
4. To ini ate a connec on from the HR5 Reader, press the
This will search for new Bluetooth or WiFi devices in range. As
the name of each device is received it will be displayed,
replacing the Bluetooth or WiFi address.
5. Use the arrow keys to select a device to connect to and press
The connec on status will change to Trying to connect...
See Info so key (following page) for further details when
connec ng to Bluetooth.
6. Press
• If the connec on is not dropped, the device will a empt to
reconnect once, when next powered up.
so key.
bu on.
key to save se ngs and return to the Main
Note: The HR5 can
be confi gured to send
and/or recieve data
from other devices via
Bluetooth and WiFi.
Important: You may be
prompted for a passkey
code to complete the
Bluetooth pairing or
WiFi connec on.