Tuning instructions
Cursor buttons for parameter selection. Selected parameters flash in the display.
e. g. from »50/75µs« with
e. g. from »Input Sat« with
Parameter value change
e. g. from »50/75µs« with
e. g. from »1223 MHz« with
no function, except for satellite menu.
To store the indicated parameter.
Caution : If the
no function
Page over (if further display level is present).
Help button.
The parameter selected with the cursor is explained.
Button is explained. In this case, for example, the parameter selection button.
Language change-over
to »Vol. 1«
to »Output«
button is not subsequently operated, the channel processing unit will
automatically revert to the previous programming after a waiting period has expired.
previous parameter
next parameter
increase value
decrease value
store in memory
no function
no function
no function
to »J 17«
to »1224 MHz«
except for
satellite menu