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• Never operate this appliance unattended. • Never operate this appliance within 5ft (1.5m) of any structure, combustible material or other gas cylinder. ROCCBOX 2020...
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WOODS NOT TO USE: • • Pine • Alder • • • Cedar • Beech • Redwood • Hickory • Spruce • Fruit trees Apple, Pear etc • Fatwood • Processsed woods e.g: painted or stained wood • Sappy wood ROCCBOX 2020...
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FIRING UP ROCCTIP Smoke should be expected and will reduce as the oven comes up to tempreture. (see trouble shooting section) ROCCBOX 2020...
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Remember to add some wood to the burner before making a pizza to help ensure a large flame is present when you load the oven. ROCCBOX 2020...
• Not enough fuel • Make sure the back end of the oven is facing towards the wind. If it is extremely windy try using wind breaks. • Increase the frequency to which fuel is being added to the burner. ROCCBOX 2020...
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H O L Z O F E N B E N U T Z E R H A N D B U C H ROCCBOX 2018...
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Verwenden Sie dieses Gerät niemals in halten Sie sich von dem Gerät fern und geschlossenen Räumen. rufen Sie die Feuerwehr. Versuchen Sie niemals, einen Öl- oder Fettbrand mit Nichtbefolgen dieser Anweisungen kann zu Wasser zu löschen. Bränden, Explosionen, Gebäudeschäden, ROCCBOX 2018...
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• Obstholz, wie Apfel, Birne usw. • Briketts ZUR VERWENDUNG NICHT GEEIGNETES HOLZ • Kiefer • Tanne • Zeder • Redwood • Fichte • Harzreiches Holz • Bearbeitete Hölzer, z. B. lackiertes oder gebeiztes Holz • Klitschiges Holz ROCCBOX 2018...
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H O R N O D E L E Ñ A M A N U A L D E L U S U A R I O...
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45 C o menos. • Si se produce un incendio, manténgase Nunca utilice este aparato en espacios lejos del aparato y llame inmediatamente a cerrados. los bomberos. No intente apagar un fuego de aceite o grasa con agua. ROCCBOX 2018...
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• En cas d’incendie, s’éloigner de l’appareil Ne jamais utiliser cet appareil dans des zones et appeler immédiatement les pompiers. fermées. Ne pas tenter d’éteindre un incendie causé par de l’huile ou de la graisse avec de l’eau. ROCCBOX 2018...
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Arbres fruitiers, pommiers, pêchers, etc. • Briquettes compressées LES BOIS À NE PAS UTILISER : • • Sapin • Cèdre • Séquoia • Épicéa • Bois gras • Bois transformé, p. ex., bois peint ou teint • Bois de sapin ROCCBOX 2018...
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B R U C I AT O R E A L E G N A M A N U A L E D ' U S O...
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Conservare il presente manuale per poterlo temperatura pari o inferiore a 45 C (115 consultare successivamente. • Q ualora dovesse verificarsi un incendio, Non mettere in funzione questo apparecchio in stare lontani dall'apparecchio e rivolgersi ambienti chiusi. immediatamente ai vigili del fuoco. Non tentare di estinguere un incendio causato da La mancata osservanza delle presenti istruzioni olio o grasso utilizzando l'acqua. potrebbe provocare un incendio o un'esplosione ROCCBOX 2018...
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Alberi da frutta: meli, peri, ecc. • Mattonelle compresse TIPI DI LEGNA DA NON UTILIZZARE: • Pino • Abete • Cedro • Sequoia • Abete rosso • Legna resinosa • Legni lavorati, ad esempio legno verniciato o colorato • Legna ricca di linfa ROCCBOX 2018...