4.4. Measurent with volatile memory
Please note that it is not possible to display earlier measurements. Safing of data only is for rough
If necessary, start zero-adjustment.
Apply the probe and take a measurement.
Sensor ring colours
Green: measurement taken
Blue: measurement range exceeded
Pressing and holding the button until the countdown for switch-off starts will delete the last
measurement results from the volatile memory.
4.5. Substrate Switch
To switch the substrate the gauge has to be held upside down, that is the probe shows up.
Press the button and the gauge switches to the next substrate.
These substrates are possible by pressing the button again:
Fe (ferromagnetic metals like iron, steel, nickel)
The substrate chosen (Fe) is displayed in the status bar
NFe (non ferromagnetic but electrically conductive metals like aluminium, cink and copper)
The substrate chosen (NFe) is displayed in the status bar
Fe/NFe automatic substrate switch. The status bar shows „Fe/NFe"