12. Apéndices
Robinson, S, Dixon M. A, and Zheng Y. 2007. Vascular blockage in cut roses in a suspension of Pseudomonas
Fluorescens. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 82 (5) 808–814
FISHER, Rosie, A., WILLIAMS, Matthew, LOBO DO VALE, Raquel, LOLA DA COSTA, Antonio & MEIR, Patrick
2006. Evidence from Amazonian forests is consistent with isohydric control of leaf water potential. Plant
Cell & Environment 29:151-165
Lang, A.R.G, Osmotic Coefficients and Water Potentials of Sodium Chloride Solutions from 0 to 40°C 1967.
Australian Journal of Chemistry, 20, 2017-23.
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