If you encounter any problem in the operation of the device, first turn the device OFF,
then back ON again (see Section 8, OPERATING OSKA PULSE). This will allow the e-Tec
programming to reboot and reset itself. Next, ensure the device is sufficiently charged
(see Section 7, CHARGING OSKA PULSE).
If the problem persists, please contact your local Oska distributor. For contact information
visit www.oskawellness.com/pages/contact.
Oska Pulse consists of a copper coil which generates a magnetic field. A frequency gener-
ator is used to energize the coil to create a pulsed electromagnetic field.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field can influence the signal transduction pathway, ion binding
and ion transport across the human cell membrane. It is capable of increasing Calcium
(Ca++) ion transport resulting in tissue repair and regeneration.