For model: T77H747
a i P re c is io n In d . Co .,Ltd .
5F-1, 5 Hs in -An Ro a d , Hs in c h u , S c ie n c e -Ba s e d Indu s tria l P a rk
Ta iwa n , R.O.C.
He re with de cla re tha t the product:
is in conformity with the e s s e ntia l re quire me nts a nd othe r re le va nt re quire me nts
of the R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC).
The product is in conformity with the following s ta nda rds a nd/or othe r norma tive
docume nts :
S P ECTRUM (Art. 3(2)):
EN 300 330-1v1.8.1 / EN 300 330-2 v1.6.1
EMC (Art. 3(1)(b)):
EN 301 489-1 v1.9.2 (2011-09)
EN 301 489-3 v1.6.1 (2013-08)
HEALTH & S AFETY (Art. 3(1)(a )):
EN 50364:2010
EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011+A2:2013
a nd tha t s ta nda rds a nd/or te chnica l s pe cifica tions re fe re nce d a bove ha ve be e n
a pplie d to Anne x III of the Directive a nd the product will be a r the CE ma rk la be l
be low.
Te chnica l file is he ld by: Hon Ha i P re cis ion Ind. Co.,Ltd
Name: Rio Chen
Date: Aug., 25, 2016
Title: Assistant Compliance M anager
Hon Hai Precision Ind. Co.,Ltd.
a ra tion of Conformity
Eq u ip m e n t: NFC Mo d u le
Mo d e l: T77H747