Correct and consistent temperature is important when storing and dispensing
draft beer. Beer will start to freeze at 28 degrees Fahrenheit (-2 degrees
Celsius), so it is important to select and maintain proper operating
temperatures inside of the kegerator cabinet. The optimum temperature range
for serving cold beer is between 36 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit (2-4 degrees
Celsius). Temperatures that are too warm or too cold can cause flavor loss, off-
tastes, and dispensing problems. Periodically monitor the temperature inside
of your kegerator and adjust as necessary and keep the keg cooler door closed
as much as possible to avoid temperature fluctuations.
If the beer comes out foamy on the first pour, this means too much CO2 built
up before the keg was tapped. Double check to pressure gauge on the C02
regulator to make sure that the PSI level is between 10-12. To release any
excess C02, pull the pressure release valve on the C02 regulator AND the
coupler. This should result in less foamy beer on future pours.