necessary, you may wait until
the temperature drops before
using the electric hot water bot-
tle. Please remove the charger
and do not use the electric hot
water bottle if you hear an unu-
sual noise, or notice an unusual
smell or a leak from the electric
hot water bottle. To make sure
the heat is evenly spread, you
are advised to shake the elec-
tric hot water bottle gently af-
ter 5-6 minutes when charging
it. Electrical appliances should
never be left unattended when
connected. Unplug it when you
are not using it. Keep the pow-
er cable away from hot surfaces.
Always unplug the device after
use or before cleaning it. Do not
insert any object into the electric
hot water bottle. This could im-
pair its operation. Do not hit or
cut the surface of the hot water
bottle. Do not exert too much
pressure on the electric hot wa-
ter bottle when you are using it
as this may cause the device to
leak or be damaged. Discon-
nect the electric hot water bot-
tle if it overheats. If the electric
hot water bottle does not auto-
matically stop charging after 15
minutes (the light remains on),
E-IM-WaistWarmerGo-Lot001.indd 5
E-IM-WaistWarmerGo-Lot001.indd 5
disconnect the charger plug.
Do not move the electric hot
water bottle using the charg-
er's power cable. Before stor-
ing the electric hot water bot-
tle, make sure its temperature
has dropped back down. Do
not crush the electric hot wa-
ter bottle by putting items on
top of it once it is being stored.
The electric hot water bottle is
intended for domestic use only.
Do not use it in a hospital envi-
ronment or for any kind of med-
ical treatment. The electric hot
water bottle is not intended to
be used by children. Do not use
the electric hot water bottle on
people who are sick, on babies
or on those insensitive to heat.
Do not use the electric hot wa-
ter bottle to warm up your feet.
You must not walk on the elec-
tric hot water bottle, crush it or
exert pressure on it. Do not use
the electric hot water bottle in
a microwave or conventional
oven. You are advised not to
let the electric hot water bottle
come into direct contact with
your skin. If, when using the elec-
tric hot water bottle, you notice
unusual red marks appearing
on your skin, or even a feeling
11/08/2021 11:27:13
11/08/2021 11:27:13