HT52 - HT52/05
This manual is referred to the models
HT52 and HT52/05. The only difference
between two models is the different
typology of output terminal: cables with
4mm safety banana (HT52) or cables with
4mm safety banana and ABNACON
(HT52/05). Unless otherwise specified, the
"instrument" or "probe" word referred to
HT52 model.
The instrument is temperature/humidity to
voltage converters. The probe is battery
operated and designed to provide a direct
humidity or temperature reading when
connected to any high impedance digital
multimeter (DMM) that accepts shrouded
banana plugs and has 1mVDC resolution
and at least 200mVDC full scale readout
The probe provides a fast and convenient
way to measure relative humidity and
temperature in normal ambient conditions.
It is ideal for spot surveying in any
application where humidity or temperature
measurements are important.
The output is 1mVDC per % relative
humidity (%RH) and 1mVDC per degree of
Celsius and 1mVDC per degree of
Fahrenheit (selected with a switch).
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