C.Point-to-point brand search mode
Note: The brand search mode is limited to TV sets, meanwhile, this operation
is not responsive unless the brand of your appliance is listed in the below
brand list.
For example:The brand of your appliance is GE and the corresponding brand key is "1".
1. Manually switch on the TV to be
controlled, aim the receiving
window of the TV set with your
remote controller.
3. Press the "volume+" key
repeatedly until the volume
symbol of the TV set under
remote control appears.
2. Press the "Power" down and hold
it, then press the corresponding
key "1" .Do not release both keys
until the indicator lights up. Then
proceed with the brand quick
search status.
4. At this point, check the function
keys (other than Volume+,
Volune-, SET and Device keys)
on the remote controller for
operation, if they are operational,
press the TV key and complete
the setting, if not, repeat the step
2 - 4.