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Warranty Garantie Garantía - Accessory Power ENHANCE ENPCPLM100SVEW Guia De Inicio Rapido


This product comes with a 1 year limited warranty, the acceptance of which is a condition of sale. Register this product
within 30 days of sale to activate a complimentary 2 year warranty extension and receive free advanced technical support.
For warranty program details, registration, and support visit
Ce produit à une garantie limitée de 1 an, la condition étant son achat. Enregistrer ce produit dans les 30 jours suivant son
achat pour activer l' e xtension de garantie de 2 ans et bénéficer de notre service après-vente gratuit. Pour en savoir plus sur
l' e nregistrement et le service après-vente allez sur
Este producto viene con una garantía limitada de 1 año, la aceptación de que es una condición de la venta. Registrar este
producto dentro de los 30 días de la venta para activar una extensión de cortesía 2 años de garantía y recibir soporte
técnico avanzado libre. Para los detalles del programa de garantía, el registro, y una visita de apoyo ENHANCEgaming.
Dieses Produkt kommt mit einer 1-Jahres-Garantie, deren Annahme ist eine Bedingung des Verkaufs. Registrieren Sie
dieses Produkt innerhalb von 30 Tagen den Verkauf an ein kostenloses 2 Jahre Garantie-Erweiterung zu aktivieren und
erhalten kostenlose erweiterte technische Unterstützung. Für Garantie-Programm Details, Registrierung und Support
Questo prodotto viene fornito con una garanzia limitata di 1 anno, la cui accettazione è una condizione di vendita. Registra
questo prodotto entro 30 giorni di vendita per attivare tutte le mattine una estensione di garanzia di 2 anni e di ricevere
supporto tecnico avanzato gratuito. Per i dettagli del programma di garanzia, la registrazione e supporto visitare
© 2018 AP Global, Inc. All rights reserved. Accessory Power, the Accessory Power logo,
ENHANCE, the ENHANCE logo, and other marks and logos are either registered trademarks
or trademarks of AP Global in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks
are the property of their respective owners.
Manufactured in China. Designed in California.
© 2018 AP Global, Inc. Tous droits réservés. Accessory Power, le logo Accessory Power,
ENHANCE, le logo ENHANCE, et les autres marques et logos sont des marques déposées
ou des marques de AP Global aux États-Unis et/ou dans d'autres pays. Toutes les autres
marques sont la propriété de leurs propriétaires respectifs.
Fabriqué en Chine. Conçu en Californie.
WARNING: This product contains chemical(s) known to the State of California
to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
Why does Accessory Power provide a California Proposition 65 warning?
A Proposition 65 warning means one of two things: (1) the business has evaluated the exposure
and has concluded that it exceeds the "no significant risk level"; or (2) the business has chosen
to provide a warning simply based on its knowledge about the presence of a listed chemical
without attempting to evaluate the exposure. Accessory Power has chosen to provide a warning
based on its knowledge about the presence of one or more listed chemicals without attempting
to evaluate the level of exposure. With this product, the exposure may be negligible or well
within the "no significant risk" range; however, out of an abundance of caution, Accessory Power
has elected to provide the consumer a warning regarding Proposition 65.
For more information please visit
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