Thermo Scientific
• Press
to the left of
changes to the Program Display
001.01 00:00:00
The program does not start until the process fluid temperature is at the
Start Temp
± the
• Press
to the left of
the right of
When the program is complete the circulator maintains the last setpoint.
is pressed after the ramp program is complete the refrigera-
tion, pump and circulator shut off.
Note Other than the current ramp step, you can edit any other step of
the ramp during the run or in the pause mode.
The numbers at the bottom indicates the cycle number, step number and
total time remaining for the program (hours, minutes and seconds).
Note If assured soak is enabled the time stops counting down at the end
of the step until the desired temperature ± variance is reached.
When the program is complete the alarm, if enabled, sounds.
Note If you do not stop/end the ramp program before going back to
the setpoint (
) mode, changing the setpoint has no affect. For ex-
ample on a program which ends with the bath at 25°C the bath continues
to hold this setpoint. Changing from ramp mode to setpoint mode and
then changing the setpoint to 20°C has no affect, the bath will continue
to hold 25°C.
to start the program. The display
to stop the program or
to pause the program at the current temperature.
Section 4 Operation
Ramp 1