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Headguard HG902 Manual De Instrucciones página 2


Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

HG902 protective helmets provide effective protection for the upper part of the head against risk of im-
pact. They are designed and manufactured for your personal safety and should be used only in areas that
present a safety risk. This P.P.E. (Personal Protective Equipment) complies with standard EN397.
Zones for use
Use of this helmet is recommended essentially for use during any activity that presents a risk of impact to
the upper part of the head due to falling objects: general industry, road work, construction sites, quarries,
For further information, please check the technical characteristics indicated for this P.P.E. and the limits
for its use.
To clean this P.P.E., use a solution of water at ambient temperature (20°C ± 5°C) with a gentle detergent
(non-alkaline). Do not use hot water or solvents to clean this item.
If you observe any stains that cannot be removed in this way, do not use the helmet.
We recommend that you take the helmet off (pull back the adjustment strap) before beginning this
procedure in order to clean it more easily and effectively.
After washing it, rinse it with clean water and dry it using a soft clean cloth.
Never use an abrasive cloth and do not use an external heat source to dry it.
By definition, P.P.E.'s are Personal Protective Equipment, which is why the user is recommended that the
helmet be used by one person only.
For storing or transporting this P.P.E, no special packaging is recommended, a cardboard box is sufficient,
or a plastic bag, plastic container etc.
It should be kept in a cool, dry, ventilated place, away from light (or from any other source of radiation),
aggressive or corrosive agents (paint, solvents, acids etc.) and dust. Heavy objects should not be placed
on the helmets, nor should they be put in a situation where they will be subjected to compressive forces.
Once it has been used, before putting it away, the helmet should be washed and dried.
Maximum storage conditions:
Temperature: 45°C (± 2°)
Relative humidity: 75% (± 5%)
Period of use, expiration date
The length of time during which this helmet can be used depends in large part on how well it is cared for
and on its conditions of use. In any case, we recommend that you replace the helmet after three years of
use. The date indicated on the helmet is its date of manufacture.
Primarily, the helmet should be replaced whenever the slightest sign of wear or deterioration is observed
(perforations, breaks, cracks, pitting, loss of color etc.; both in the helmet and the strap.
In the following cases, even though the helmet may not exhibit any visible exterior damage, it must be
- if it is subjected to an impact within a certain range
- if it is subjected to electrical discharge
- if it exhibits crusting on its crown as a consequence of a splashing of melted metal, corrosive agents etc.
To obtain adequate protection, the headgear must be adjusted to the dimension of your head.
The headgear will accommodate a range of sizes from 52 to 60 cm.
Insert the web suspension into the helmet by inserting the 4 tabs into the 4 slots provided in the helmet
for this purpose. (Figure 1) (the sweatband should be positioned at the front of the helmet).
Position the adjustable strap located in the rear of the band so that the desired size is obtained.
The helmet should remain securely on the head without causing excessive pressure on it.
If you must use the chinstrap:
- Install the chinstrap to the helmet by inserting the hooks into the two holes used to attach the strap,
located at either side of the helmet (figure 3).
- Adjust the adjustment loop until it is comfortable and properly adjusted. Do not over-tighten.
Limits of use
Here it is important to note that this P.P.E. protects only the upper part of the head, and not the entire head.
Do not use it in the following situations:
- if contact with any type of electrical conductor could occur
- when the helmet might be subjected to compressive forces
- if there is risk of splashing melted metal, acid or any other aggressive or corrosive agent.
Ultimately, the purpose of the helmet as an element of protection is to absorb the energy generated
when it is subjected to impact. In this case, it is possible for any of the components to break, deform, or
deteriorate significantly.
- Be sure that you correctly understand when and why you must use this helmet. Ensure that the helmet
is the appropriate model to cover the risks to which you will be exposed. When in doubt, consult your
safety advisor.
- This P.P.E. is manufactured with hypoallergenic materials; however, allergic reactions may still occur in
people who are hyper-allergenic.
- Do not change, modify or eliminate any of the P.P.E.'s components. Use only original spare parts for
this helmet model.
- In persons who have specific physical characteristics, the helmet may not be correctly adjusted and
consequently the helmet's effectiveness may be seriously compromised.
- You are advised to carefully check the P.P.E. each time you intend to use it. To do this, a quick visual
and manual inspection will suffice. Pay special attention to the anchoring and adjustment points of the
strap, the condition of the cap, and the condition of the sweatband. Ensure that none of the components
are defective or prevent its use.
- Do not use the helmet unless it has all its original components, correctly located and adjusted.
- Do not put any paint, solvent, acid, lubricant or any corrosive or aggressive agent on the surface of the
P.P.E. Do not apply any adhesive labels or any other sort of glue to it. The chemical agents involved
may damage the helmet and decrease its effectiveness.
The effectiveness of this P.P.E. depends on carefully respecting all the indications described in this
CE mark, manufacturer name (or commercial brand) certification standard (EN397),
type of helmet (HG902), size (52-60 cm) year and month of manufacture
Sweat band
Hanger key
Hanger key (front)
Chin strap
Key slot
attachment hole
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
CE test as performed by
Issued by BSI (British Standard Institution)
389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL (UK),
Notified notified n°0086.
To ensure proper protection, this helmet must be adapted to the size of the wearer's head.
The helmet is constructed in such a way that the energy produced by an impact is absorbed by
the destruction or partial deterioration of the cap and the strap; even if this type of
deterioration is not immediately apparent, we recommend that you replace any helmet that
has been subjected to impact.
We would also like to bring the user's attention to the danger that could be caused if any
of the original components were to be modified or eliminated, except for modifications or
removals recommended by the manufacturer of the helmet. The helmets must not in any
case be adapted for the attachment of accessories using a procedure not recommended by the
helmet's manufacturer.
Do not apply any paint, solvents, adhesives or adhesive labels, except those recommended by
the instructions from the helmet's manufacturer.
Los cascos protectores HG902 proporionan una eficaz protección de la cabeza contra los riesgos de
impactos. Estan diseñados y fabricados para su seguridad personal, por lo que solo deben usarse en
zonas de riesgo.
Este E.P.I (Equipo de Proteccion Individual) cumple con la directiva 89/686/CEE y es conforme a la
norma Europea EN397.
Area de aplicación
Básicamente se recomienda su empleo en todas aquellas actividades en las que exista el riesgo de
impactos en la parte superior de la cabeza por caída de objetos. Industria en general, obras, constucción,
canteras etc.
Para mayor información, ver caracteristicas técnicas, marcado de E.P.I y limitaciones de uso.
Para limpiar el E.P.I utilice una solucion de agua a temperatura ambiente (20°C ± 5°C) con un deter-
gente suave (no alcalino). No use agua caliente ni disolventes durante el lavado.
Si observa alugna mancha que no pueda eliminarse con este procedimiento, no debe utilizarlo.
Es recomendable que desmonte el casque (separe el arnés de sujecion del casquete), antes de iniciar
este proceso ya que lo hace mucho más sencillo y efectivo.
Una vez lavado, enjuágelo con agua limpia y séquelo utilizando un paño muy suave.
En ningun caso use paños abrasivos ni recurra a fuentes de calor externo para secarlo.
Los E.PI son por definición Equipos de Protección Individual, por lo que se recomienda que cada casco
sea utilizado por una única persona.
Para el almacenamiento o transporte del E.P.I ne se requiere un embalaje especial, es suficiente una caja
de cartón, bolsa plástica, contenedores plásticos etc. Se deben mantener en un luga fresco, seco y
ventilado, protegido de la luz solar (o de cualquier otro tipo de radiación), agentes agresivos o
corrosivos (pinturas, disolventes, ácidos etc.) y el polvo. No debe colocarse ningún peso sobre el E.P.I
ni tampoco comprimirlo.
Una vez utilizado, antes de almacenar el casco, conviene lavarlo y secarlo cuidadosamente.
Condiciones máximas de almacenamiento :
Temperatura : 45°C (± 2°)
Humedad relativa: 75% (± 5%)
Vida útil, caducidad
La vida útil de este E.P.I depende en gran medida del cuidado que se le dé y de las condiciones de uso.
En cualquier caso, recomendamos que se sustituya después de 3 años de uso. La fecha indicada en el
casquete es la de fabricación. Básicamente, el casco debe ser sustituido en caso de que se observe el
menor signo de desgaste o deterioro (perforaciones, roturas, grietas, picaduras, deformaciones, pérdidas
de color, etc), tanto en el casquete como en el arnés.
En los siguientes caso, aunque no presente daños externos claramente visibles, el casco debe ser inme-
diatamente sustituido :
- si sufre un golpe de cierta envergadura
- si recibe una descarga eléctrica
- si presenta incrustaciones en el casquete como consecuencia de la salpicadura de metales fundidos,
agentes corrosivos, etc.
Uso, ajuste
Para conseguir la proteccion adecuada, es muy importante que el arnés del casco esté correctamente
ajustado según el tamaño de su cabeza
Cubre la gama de tallas que van desde los 52 cm a 60cm.
Instale el arnés en el casco introduciendo las 4 patillas en las 4 ranuras previstas para este fin en el casco.
(Figura 1) (la banda contra el sudor se instala en la parte delantera).
Mueva la posición de la cremallera de ajuste situada en la parte posterior de la tira hasta obtener el
tamaño deseado.
El casco debe quedar bien sujeto a su cabeza sin que se produzca presion excesiva sobre la misma.
Si debe utilizar el barboquejo:
- Instale el barboquejo en el casco insertando los ganchos en los dos agujeros que sirven para atar la
correa, situados por ambos lados del casco (figura 3).
- Apriete la hebilla de ajuste hasta que se sienta cómodo y bien sujeto. No apriete demasiado.
Limitacones de uso
En este punto es importante hacer notar que el E.P.I solo protege la parte superior de la cabeza, no la
totalidad de la misma.
No utilice el casco en las siguientes circunstancias :
- En caso de que se pueda producir cualquier tipo de contacto con conductores eléctricos
- Cuando exista la posibilidad de que el casco se vea sometido a fuerzas compresivas.
- Si existe el riesgo de salpicaduras de metales fundidos, ácidos o cualquier otra agente agresivo o

