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Answer a call.
To answer a call press briefly the central button (3).
End a call.
To end a call press briefly the central button (3) during the call.
Reject an incoming call.
To reject an incoming call hold the central button (3) for 2 second and
release it. The incoming call is rejected.
Activate voice dialing / voiceover / Siri.
If your phone supports voice dialing / voiceover / Siri you can activate it
when no call is in progress. To activate voice dialing /voiceover / Siri hold
the button " +" (2) for 2 seconds. When you ear the sound "bip" from the
hi-Ring Bluetooth you can pronounce the command.
Switch off hi-Ring Bluetooth.
To switch off hi-Ring bluetooth hold the central button (3) for 4 seconds
untill the warning LED (1) flashes violet.
Adjust the hi-Ring Bluetooth volume during a call.
Press the volume key "+" (2) to increase or the volume key "–" (4) to
decrease the volume during a call.